Tuesday, May 5, 2009

one last post.....

One last post…..

Baruch to Bombay….. the 15 best years of a child.

The journey has been difficult. No doubts about that whatsoever. And finally, here I stand at the end of the cliff, ready to take a plunge into a ocean of happiness and sorrow.

The best thing about being a child is that you are dumb. Dumb in the sense…..you take very few memories along with you into the later stages. Which makes it a lot easier to walk through this “thing” called life till you reach an age where everything falls into place. When I was in Baruch I don’t really remember what or how iv lived my life. Only faint memories of running around in my underwear holding a bow and an arrow. I only remember the excruciating pain of thorns piercing my legs. Only faint memories of my dad trying to get me ready in time for school. Yeah….. trust me with your life on this. I would be ready for school and waiting at the gate with my dad. But as soon as the bus arrives, magically, it would be my moment to hit the bathroom. It was the race against time for me and my dad. This happened every single day. No breaks.

There are moments in your life which force a chuckle out of you no matter how upset you are. This is surely one of them for me. Waiting all night for dear ol’ papa to return home and only then falling asleep. That is a moment which brings tears no matter how happy I am.

When I shifted out of Baruch to Ahmedabad, I had a serious case of malaria. My dad bought me a toy car to divert my attention when it was time to have my medicine. Somehow things turned out to be fine and here I am…. Sitting on the edge of yet another phase of life which is about to draw the curtains upon itself.

This is where things turn ugly. You tend to take these moments so far into your life and cant turn back. They all find some corner in your mind and soul and refuse to vacate only to trouble you time and again.

My life would be better described as a tiger cub’s life.

In the last five years, I’ve seen myself going through a change. Close and dear ones would know well. Once I left school I knew this was a beginning of a new life and to come to terms with it would be difficult. Now, for some people the above statement would make no sense. But for a person like me who did not believe in friendship and love, it matters more than anything. For 10 years straight I lived a life sans friends and love. In the safe protection of my parents till my mother decided that I was ready to be left into the wild. From thereon I was on my own. Yes, my parents were there for me whenever I needed them and supported me financially and more importantly, with their timely interventions and advises.

When I entered my degree college I had no idea of the turn my life was going to take

Through different walks of life I went through different kinds of emotions which tested my mettle as a person. They taught me the way to react to different situations. But this particular turn tested my emotional strength to an extent where I could break down at any given time.

I have met the best of people in these five years and the worst of back-stabbers. I had to resort to illegal and unethical means to unearth the truth but they only helped me in the bargain . I will only wish that those people lead a good life and don’t face the same. As far as my friends are concerned, I will want them to stay with me forever and stand by me to guide me through every dark alley in life.

One thing I’ve learnt is that the more you expect from life, the more you are disappointed. No matter who it is…..and what you have done for that person…..he or she won’t change. It hurts a lot but you gotta just live through it ‘coz there aint much you can do about it. I have taken certain decisions in life for my friends which hurled me towards great depths of sorrow but the happiness in their eyes gave me the strength to stand up and move ahead.

I met certain friends who let go of me quite unceremoniously just coz their boyfriends asked them to. It doesn’t matter much coz I consider that just another chapter in the book of life.

I met certain people who gave me all the happiness in the world. They brought about a whirlwind of pleasant memories which I would have no problems in reminiscing in the later stages of my life.

Yes….this is my last post coz this blog was meant to describe the part of my life which I lived and enjoyed to the fullest. I might get a better life from now on, but these 20 years will be etched in my memory coz they shaped me as a person and trained me to go ahead. My mom said, now you will face different kinds of people… people who will try to pull you down like crabs.

Bring em on…….!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

my reply

even though im a blogger, im not into the habit of reading others blogs. i just force and if required blackmail my frnds into reading my crap. now im not a very good blogger. simply for the reason that i make excessive use of "text" language. if a poll is conducted and the top ten worst bloggers are listed....i might end up right at the bottom at number 10. thats how bad i am. this i realised when i read other blogs which had much better and much more refined language. if a comparison is made between my blog and a regular blogger....the latter might win by a million yards' difference.now its not that i cant use the more refined language. even i can say 

"what art thou doing?"
even i can say "oh my god" for "what the f*ck"
even i can say "oh no" for "shit"
even i can say "i dont care" for "i give a rats piss"
even i can say "i hate u" for "balls to u"
even i can say "how u doing sir" for "hey dude....howz it hangin"
 and on and on and on....

the language that i use, compltely describes the way i am in the real world. thats what blogs are for. to potray yourself in the virtual world as u are in the real world. now questions have been raised about my ability to talk about serious stuff in my blog and my inability to get serious when the situation is tense. the person who said this obviously refers to my post titled "the aftermath" posted on December 5th of 2008. now while i appreciate your keen observation sir....ill only like to tell u 3 words. 

Get A Life. 

people like you stop us from raising our voices against the system and uprooting it. that post meant offence to each and everyone it was targetted towards and it gives you no right whatsoever to tell me that it contains foul language and that i have my facts wrong. 

Refined Language : i dont care
My language : you substitute it urself....

maybe i did get my facts wrong.... but i surely could not have missed my mark by much. what i have written there is merely a fraction of the fire burning in each and every Indian's heart. now lets come to the language aspect. as i said earlier...my blog is for people who share my wavelength. this is not for j.k. rowling or sydney sheldon readers. they can read of they wish to. this is for the people who have read champak, tinkle, chacha chaudry and their variations. people have started comparing me to Chetan Bhagat coz they find our style of writing very similar. thats very kind of them but i feel, Mr.Bhagat is a lot more qualified than i am and his originality is what sets us apart. and besides.....my blog is a piece of shit compared to his masterpieces.
now this is how iv been writing my blog for ages....n this is how its gonna be for time to come and theres not a damn thing u can do about it. oversmart asses can kiss Raghu Ram's ass......bwhahahaha....
sorry man....its jus dat i hate u from the bottom of my heart and from my bottom's bottom!!! bwhahahahha!! 
dats all for this post.... and mr.critic..... u argued with me...
so as per my earlier post.... i show u the fingy!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


if all goes well, i will get married by the time in 28 years old. No....its not something iv planned or some idiotic jyotish has told me. FACEBOOK told me that ill be a groom when im 28. me thinks 28 is the fav number of the guy hu made that stupid application. coz all my frnds ended up with 28 as their shaadi ka age. i just hope we all dont end up getting married to each other.

i played another application called "what cuss word are u??"
i was like...ok what the hell....lets jus do it....
a few strange questions like "do u use toilet paper??" and "if not...which hand do u use to wash ur ass" were asked....and no i wont write the answers here
i answered all the questions and then i was asked to spread the APP around to 15 people....i chose to skip that
then came my answer..."your the cuss word - shit"

and this is the explnation i get...."Not alot goes on, and you're quite quiet and get on with what you do, but you have your days where you could just go mental at someone"

how about i get mental at you!!! the guy hu jus made this thing!!
i take this embarrassing and absolutely stupid application called "what cuss word are u" and all i get is "you are shit"
A stupid computer generated application just called called me shit...
what has the world come to!!! i let a stupid person in some corner of the world decide at what age im gonna get married and call me shit.

there was another thing called "what will your child grow up to be"
my answer - angry programmer...
saala yahaan pe khud ke kuch ban ne ke vaande hai....isko mere unborn bacche ki padi hai.....

suddenly i realised....although im wasting my time like an insanic,maniacal, jobless human.....its kinda fun...so i tried out sum more of them...

OOOWWWW!! wait.....sum sardar guy jus poked me!!! hey....buzz off!!!

back to facebook then....

"what is the first letter of the person ull fall in love with"
your letter is m....
hmmmm....i know abt a gazzillion girls with the letter m.....do u mind specifyin wich one while you are at it!!! :X

"what super power do u possess?"
your power is speed - You are fast and athletic not only physically, but mentally. You like getting things done quickly and getting around quickly. You can also be quick to leave a tough situation
ok.....speed....hmmm.....im 130 lbs.....iv got 6 pack FLABS.....not a very potent mixture buster!!!
then came the best one..."what were u born to do"
answer - best at everything
im still hunting down the guy hu made this piece of crap! bludy diplomatic jerk-off!!!

there were others too....

what type of sex are u??
what sex position are u??
what US weapon are u??
what TV mom are u??
what ekta kapoor serial are u??
i dint dare take any of them!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

random thoughts....

random thoughts from jst another guy...

people are sayin dat raghav has grown fat....m not fat...m jus expanding due to the heat....

yeah its too hot.... im planning to go to antartica jus to cool off a bit....it shld be pretty pleasant over there....(if its still made of ice i.e.)

5 more years of this heat n we can call boiling water "icy cool"....

screw global warming!!! im switching on the AC at full blast!!!

dunno how my frnds in baroda are puttin up with this heat.... (yeah....keep makin me happy n ill have ur names in my next post!!! :P )

i come out from a bath.....soaking....i stand in front of the mirror and try to differentiate the droplets of water from the droplets of sweat.... and no....i dont taste em!!!

my dreams....

ragz wants to go to philladelphia one day..... and wants to do a full fledged jog to the top of the stairs and kiss rocky's feet...

ragz wants to do be a part of rechauffement once more....

ragz wants to kick his internet wala's arse for not giving good service....

ragz wants to have a daughter after he gets married.....if he duznt get married ragz will adopt a girl.....

ragz will keep her away from michael jackson for sure.....

ragz wants to see rahul gandhi become prime minister sum day

ragz wants omar abdullah to become PM too

ragz wants to meet sylvester stallone one day and take his autograph....ragz envies kareena kapoor....

ragz wants his frnds to understand that he misses them when they dont give him time....

ragz wants to warn those darn 20 fidayeens who just entered India .... better finish what u came here for.....finish us all off.....coz if u dont....jus remember...we're still pissed abt 26\11....n all those female pilots.... m not worried abt u....girls make stupid drivers anyways.... pilot to door ki baat..... yeah jus make sure u dont bang into the wrong building.....

ragz duznt want laloo and advani and mayavati and sorts to become pm....ragz will leave India in that case....ragz cant see India in ruins....

ragz always types his country's name with capital I....its a sign of respect....he even writes it that way....

ragz is very hapy with his n73.....but still luvs his SEk550i

ragz feels sorry for all those pandits in ekta kapoor soaps....the ones that do the weddings n stuff.....they havent completed a single marriage....coz everytime its time to tie the mangalsutra n stuff.....a guy\gal cums up n says "NAHI!!! YEH SHAADI NAHI HOSAKTI!!! "

ragz is waiting for DeshDrohi 2....it seems its about the Mumbai attacks.... and ragz thot Ram Gopal Verma was gonna make a shitty muvi and have nisha kothari or antra mali playing the terrorist's love interest..... ragz cant wait to see King Khan II (KRK) play an NSG commando....

ragz shows the fingy to each n evryone who argues with him.... ajay parmar...ur the first one....

ragz wishes all the SY students all the very best for their exams....

thats all for now....bye....tata.....toodles or sumthin like that......(it means bye in spanish....spaniards are funny people....cant imagine nadal or alonso sayin toodles.....its so bludy gay!!!)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the ant v\s the mammoth

I was watching 300 the other day….now for those who haven seen the movie or have no idea about it…..300 is based on the mythical battle of sum odd greek place with a similar odd greek name.

Its about 300 spartan soldiers , led by king leonidas, holding off over a million Persian soldiers led by king xerxes the 1st.

The movie, though exaggerated to a great extent, was shot with absolutely generosity.

Generosity in terms of money, blood and gore.

But I don’t know why, I felt as though it resembled a very much real incident in Indian history. Approximately 40 years back an Indian contingent at the rajasthan border held off a mammoth Pakistani battalion. Yes, I am talking about the Battle at Longewala. When a handful of Indian soldiers were facing a full fledged tank battalion, history was to be made and glory was certain to be achieved.

The Spartans were given a choice. The option to surrender and fall back. The Indians too were given a choice. To fall back. Both armies had the choice to meekly surrender at the hands of tyranny and obvious destruction or to hold fort and fight to their last breath. To fight till every muscle in their body said enough!! To fight for their countries! To fight for their people. To fight for their mothers and sisters back home! To fight till each and every inch of their bodies were slashed and butchered by swords and bullets! To fight for glory! Both armies chose the latter.

The Persians had elephants. The Pakistanis had tanks. They could have trampled the enemy. But the Spartans and the Indians would have none of it.

It is surprising, how even a small surge of patriotism allows a man to muster up enough courage to take on the mightiest of enemies.

Major Kuldeep Singh could have been braindead by just the mere sight of the hell that was approaching from across the border. Fear could have taken over.

Leonidas could have kneeled down to Xerxes and begged for life and mercycfrom the salughter.

But these two brave men dared. The dared to defy the odds placed against them. They dared to change the course of history that was to be written.

The patriot in them awakened. The patriot in every soldier awakened.

They were in the line of fire.

Though the 300 did not make it…it was enough to make 10000 spartans back home spit fire. The Persians were trounced.

Closer home, the Pakistanis were crushed. India suffered 3 losses out of 100. 40 pakistani tanks were destroyed. They suffered innumerable human losses.

In the wake of recent terror attacks…..can we afford to go down easily?? Can we quit to tyranny?? Can we surrender to the wrong?? NO WE CANT!!!

Can we fight??? Can we prevail???? Can we still belive in satyameva jayate??? YES WE CAN!!!

Indian….wear your flag on your sleeve….. nevermind the curious gaze of an onlooker….its the gaze of admiration.

Jai ho!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


let me do a danny boyle now!!!

i would also like to thank Mythily,Deep,Swarali and Swarad for also turning up on my birthday!!
i forgot to thank them in the original post but id like to make it up the way good ol' danny did for longines....

thank you guys.....i love you all!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

And the Award goes to!!!!

Big time congo to the cast and crew of slumdog millionaire. Great job guys!!! And a big time congrats to myself for clearing my exams!!!

Its oscar fever all around the world and thankyou speeches are the talk of the town. Moving ahead with the trend I kinda prepared my own little thankyou speech. Here is how it goes.

“ahem ahem. After a span of two years, I have finally cleared my exams with an all clear marksheet. After huffing and puffing and scraping through the first two years of my graduation, it feels good to clear the final hurdle without any glitches. Two years (filled with nonsense) and 5  K.T.’s later, here I am, an all clear student who behaves as though he has just shook hands with world leaders and nobel awardees. And for this very reason, there are many people whom id like to thank before I go haywire with excitement. ( I have been goin through this horrible mood-swing offlate)

1)      To start with, a big thank you to the guy who set my Financial Reporting and Analysis paper. He probably dozed off half way through and screwed up the questions. The rest is history!!! A very pleasant one!!! I sincerely pray that you don’t lose your job!!!

2)      Thank you to the guy who invented the two golden words…. “Grace Marks”. I love u man!!!

3)      Thank you to Shruthi,Sneha, Bada Sneha, Ram, Rohit and Bhagu for giving me that great surprise on my birthday (16th november)….one day before my exam. It cheered me up!

4)      Thank you to all my professors for having the faith in me and not bumping me off in the first tow years and after my extra-ordinary performance in the prelimnary exams! Hey wait a minute!!! Were those papers even checked!?!?! You RASCALZ!!!!!

5)      Thank you to the sweetest people I have in this world. My Grandparents. They let me stay with them for 5 years and put up with me no matter what tantrums I threw. Just bear with me for 3 more months guys!!!

6)      A big, bigger, biggest thank you to mom, dad and my sister for making sure dat I never ran out of…..er…..well…..anything!

7)      A big thankyou to chandu,denzil,jinal,aleekiya,vivek,soni,shruthi, and the entire team of Rechauffement 2k9! Meet you guys at Rechauffement 2010!

8)      Also a big thankyou to the guy who printed my marksheet. That was for screwing up whte only one I would have been proud of!! I hate you for for “PASSES” when it should have been PASSED!!!!

Thank you to all of you again. This feels great!!!!