Round -20 :: Days I’d rather forget….
Brat duznt remember wad happened after he shifted out of ahmedabad….all he knew was that he was now in bombay….the city of dreams……the city of nightmares if u ask me….
but once brat left gujrat……he ceased to exist…..brat physically existed but his soul was locked down sumwhr near de banks of de narmada
a piece of his soul in the gandiva prototype….a piece of it in his milk bottle which his mum threw away……a piece of it in the helium balloon which should have reached Pluto by now……
A new place…..a new locality…..and a new person altogether……letz name him “introvert”……
Now introvert shifted to Bombay wen he was in the 2nd grade….he joined Vasant vihar high school….and like all kids…..cried on his first day to his new school…..
Now introvert’s mum thot dat ex-brat would becum more responsible in this school and a nice boy…..cant tell u how rong she was…..
II GRADE “D’ division…..de lady at de office said…. with her stained teeth clearly visible….
now introvert was ok till he entered his new class…..now this class was awesum…..snazzy lightings and fans…….evrything dat he sumhow never imagined…..hoping to strike a good rapport with his teacher ….introvert sat on de first bench……now all seems fine right?? RONG!!!! From out of nowhere….a guy twice the size of introvert held him by his collar and threw him to the other side of the room…..
Dazed……introvert…..looked at this guy…..heard him say…..”ABBE EH!!! YEH MERA BENCH HAI!!! KAUNSE CLASS KA HAI TU”
Now introvert….poor guy…..dint know how to react…..and de rivers started to flow frm his eyes……and er…..nose….
Thankfully….introvert’s mum came into dat class dat very moment….
Now this goon was shit scared I tell ya….now he started cryin…..so a very sloppy and sobby start to my school in Bombay……15 mins later…..de teacher came into de class…..MRS.USHA SRINIVASAN…….she wrote on the blackboard……now it wasn’t like I was illiterate or sumthin…..but it took me a while to read dat name…..coz SRINIVASAN luked quite large compared to the PATEL’s and SHAH’s of Gujrat…..introvert thot……..”y is evrythin so huge in
Now for de first time….i actually realized dat I was in a class which also had girls…..eeeeewwwwwwwww!!!! now u mite think how can boyz do without girls…..!!
Well…..again….dats de thing with kids…..girls turn into angels only when we enter our teens……till then theyre evil witches and should be avoided like the flu…..
And de teachers had these dreaded punishments….like standin on the bench with
Ok…..so new students are “supposed” to be well behaved in their first year at skool rite??? Hahahahah wrong!!! Ask me!!! Introvert jus couldn’t adjust to his new skool…..and held the record (still holds it I guess) for having de most number of negative remarks and demerit cards in his calendar!!! A whopping 110!!!! Beat dat!!!
Now all these teachers had a fascination with introvert’s calendar……dey kept on signing and signing and signing!! So he really couldn’t help it……
Nd mind you……introvert was still stoopid and senseless……
Well introverts dad got shit pissed on introvert weneva he had to sign his calendar……he got so used to signin my calendar dat….weneva he had to sign cheques ……the following words always followed……sorry madam, this wont happen again…….
but sumhow introvert preferred dad signing his calendar….dats coz dad would be tired weneva he came frm office n wouldn’t ask to many questions….if introvert gave his calendar to his mum…..mum would call de teacher to apologize. Now dats so embarrassing isn’t it…..
Well introvert had a liking towards dad…….his mum once told him…..he used to sit up all nite and wait for dad till he came back frm dat evil office…..and as soon as he gets a glimpse he would fall asleep……
Now I dun get de point…was this out of affection….or out of sheer fear….like say…..the boogeyman……
But one thing….introvert was a good student till about 8th grade…scoring abv distinction was a cake-walk for introvert…..his dad once challenged introvert…..he told him dat if he got a rank within de first 10….he would buy him a computer….
So there u have it……introvert got his first pc…..dis was in his 5th std…..
But by then introverts sis was goin gung-ho in her studies…..as in better dan introvert….now de teachers wanted introvert to do as well……now this pissed introvert to a great extent…..coz he thot he had his own individuality and his own style of living…..but we wont tok abt my sister as this is my story…my history as mentioned earlier…..so introvert started to shy away frm people….stopped being de crazy old self….he started to isolate himself…..and keep himself away frm the public glare….introverts mom dint mind this coz he did less mischief now…..
But deep inside introvert…..another personality was waiting to come out….as though it was trapped….and bound to chains…..n introvert would want to scream……and he would occasionally scream ….thereby scaring de neighbors out of their homes….
now obviously i aint anywhr a best-selling author...but it still is a herculean task to end sumthing that is close to your heart so abruptly..... but all good things come to an end.... they say u miss school once you are out of it.... i dont...i learnt wat is life when i was out of school...when i entered my teens...when i met people from new places....when i spoke 2 girls!!! i also learnt dat kidz werent born due to antennas fitted on my parents heads!! the reason i narrated those few years of my life is coz i wanted to share it with someone... someone whome i dint know....i think i have somehow managed to do that..... peace.....